Wedding Ceremony

Provided by Ceremonii Umaniste


Hello, and welcome to the wedding ceremony of the happy couple, Lidia and Horia! My name is Monica, and today I have the honor and pleasure of officiating this wonderful event, during which the couple will declare their love and express their hopes for the future.

This wedding ceremony is a symbol of the love the couple shares, and it was important for them to declare their love for each other in the presence of their loved ones – family and close friends. Therefore, they wish this day to be, among other things, a day of gratitude to their parents, who have guided them through the ups and downs of life and continue to support and love them. They also want to thank their friends, who always bring fun and good times – friends being, ultimately, their second family. Last but not least, they wish to thank each one of you, the wonderful people who have chosen to celebrate this special day with them.

About the Ceremony

The couple has chosen a ceremony that reflects their life philosophy, values, and aspirations. Both agree that respect, gratitude, and dedication are universal values and that a relationship of equality between spouses is vital for a happy marriage. They believe that a beautiful life should be lived in a warm, loving, and welcoming atmosphere. And as proof, they have chosen to have you by their side on one of the most important days of their relationship as a young family. So, see this day as a reunion of family and friends from different corners of the world. I hope you take the opportunity to reminisce with old friends and, why not, to forge new friendships!

Thank you to the families

We have to admit that Lidia and Horia could not have become what they are today without their families, the wonderful people who guided them and who showed them what it means to have a supportive family by your side. Therefore, on this special day, the bride and groom want to express their full gratitude to their parents, thank them for everything and tell them that they love them immensely. A round of applause for the families of the bride and groom, please!

Their Story

Lidia and Horia are embarking on a new and extraordinary stage in their relationship, so it’s fitting to reflect on the important moments that led them to this event.

Their relationship developed like a friendship that took flight. From the beginning, they felt comfortable in each other’s presence and continue to make each other happy, and time has only strengthened the unspoken bond between them. They both felt a special connection, a chemistry that’s hard to explain but impossible to deny. The mix of cultures, life experiences, and their diverse backgrounds provided the right balance in their relationship and the foundation for a future together. Whether good days or bad, something kept them close and helped them persevere. One of the first challenges they faced was the pandemic, shortly followed by lockdowns, which came into effect shortly after they met. While for other couples, this was a crossroads, for Lidia and Horia, it was just a challenge they overcame thanks to mutual trust and respect. It was also a testament to the commitment they had both willingly made. After nearly five wonderful years together, they have come to know and appreciate each other’s qualities just as well as they navigate each other’s weaknesses.

Lidia confessed to me that she loves Horia because he inspires and supports her. She appreciates his unique sense of humor and his willingness to step out of his comfort zone, learn, grow, and push himself. She loves him because, with him, no obstacle feels too difficult. But perhaps above all, she loves him because he brings a smile to her face every day.

And Horia, in turn, loves her because she embodies all that is good in the world: warmth, peace, and compassion. He loves her because she is a wonderful person, with a huge heart and a golden soul. Her kindness shines through everything she does, filling him with energy and joy. He loves her for her unique talent of turning ordinary days into extraordinary adventures and for her ability to see the beauty that others cannot appreciate. Last but not least, he loves her for her natural empathy and tenderness. In other words, Horia loves her not only for her outer beauty but also for her inner kindness and gentleness. That’s why he chose to spend the rest of his life with her. Let’s congratulate them!

There’s no doubt they make a great team because they are very good friends. Lovers? Definitely! Confidants? Absolutely! But best friends, above all. They complement each other, always encourage one another, and enjoy every moment spent together. So, it’s no surprise that the next step in their relationship was the proposal.

For the proposal, Horia wanted to create an intimate, romantic moment that would also be an unforgettable memory. So, he planned everything in advance and made sure to do things by the book. He first started looking for the perfect engagement ring, and after finding it, he made sure to hide it well out of sight, hoping that the right moment would eventually present itself. And the opportunity did not take long to appear. They were on vacation in Malta, and Horia wisely took the little box with the ring with him. One day, while visiting a fortress and being alone, admiring the beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea, Horia took out the ring and asked the big question.

And dear friends, if our presence at this event hasn’t already given it away, let me spoil the surprise: Lidia said "YES," a warm and sincere response that matched the love they share! They deserve our applause!

Thoughts on Marriage

Dear friends, I often ask myself: what is marriage? I admit that I’ve read various definitions, and even with over 12 years of personal experience in marriage, I still can’t offer a definitive and satisfying answer. But I do know for sure that marriage is not the end or the goal of a relationship. It is, among many other things, an important step in our personal and couple evolution, where the two choose to make a mutual act of faith, to accept each other with the good and the bad, for better or worse.

Marriage offers us the opportunity to grow in ways that no other relationship can. A husband and wife are best friends, confidants, lovers, guides, listeners, but also the most honest critics. Moreover, marriage enriches and deepens every aspect of life – happiness is more fulfilling, memories are more vivid, commitments are stronger, even anger is felt more intensely but passes more quickly. Because in the end, marriage is a promise made in the hearts and souls of those who love each other, a promise that takes a lifetime to fulfill.

The Advice

My dear ones, this ceremony will strengthen the relationship you have, but it will be your duty to work together, day by day, year by year, with patience, helping each other, supporting each other, believing in each other, and, above all, loving each other. And when you encounter frustrations and difficulties, as happens in all relationships at some point, remember all the good things that unite you, not just the ones that seem wrong. In this way, you will easily overcome even cloudy days, remembering that even though you can’t see it, the sun is still there. And if you both take responsibility for the quality of life together, your relationship will be fulfilled and happy.

The Exchange of Vows and Rings

You’ve known each other since that first glance and continue to cherish each other, especially now, on the brink of a new commitment. From that first “YES” to this new “YES,” you have made promises and agreements. All those conversations you had while at the table, on the road, or at home on the couch, all those plans, silent promises, and unspoken commitments, known only to you, all those feelings and experiences, all have led you to this moment in time.

With the trust you’ve placed in me, as the officiant of this wonderful event, I will now ask you to speak your vows sincerely!

Lidia: I, Lidia, take you, Horia, to be my husband, partner and lover. I promise to always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. I promise to respect you, support you in everything and take care of you as we will take care of our puppies, which we will spoil together. They will always get whole treats because, just like you, they deserve all the love. And I promise to be by your side forever, for better or worse, for better or for worse, in sickness or in health, and to love you for the rest of my life.

Horia: I, Horia, take you, Lidia, to be my wife, partner and lover. I promise to always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. I promise to respect you, support you in everything and take care of you as we will take care of our puppies, which we will spoil together. They will always get whole treats because, just like you, they deserve all the love. And I promise to be by your side forever, for better or worse, for better or for worse, in sickness or in health, and to love you for the rest of my life.

Dear friends, in a few minutes, the couple will exchange rings, as tangible and lasting symbols of their commitments. And this is usually the moment when I remind you that the rings symbolize infinity, the perfect circle, with no beginning and no end. But we all know that these rings actually have a beginning. The ore was extracted from the earth. Then the metal was liquefied at thousands and thousands of degrees, poured, cooled, and carefully polished. Something absolutely wonderful was created from simple things. Just like love. It has humble beginnings and is created by imperfect beings. It is the process through which something priceless is created where once there was nothing.

You may now exchange the rings, while repeating after me:

.Horia and Lidia, as you exchange wedding rings, please repeat after me:
I give you this ring to remind you, every day, that I love you.

The Kiss

Dear friends, we have reached the highlight of this event.
Horia and Lidia—as husband and wife, you may now share a kiss!

The Breaking Bread Ritual

Next in the ceremony, two Bulgarian rituals follow. We will begin with the breaking and sharing of bread. Tradition says that the one who succeeds in breaking off a bigger piece will have the last say in the marriage, will have more responsibilities and will bring the "bread" into the house. And then, the bride and groom will celebrate the moment by clinking two glasses of prosecco from special glasses.

Closing Remarks

My dear ones, I wish you much luck in the future, to remain best friends, to trust each other, and above all, to continue to love each other! May you have a strong and lasting marriage!

Esteemed guests, the ceremony has concluded, but the party is just beginning!
Have a wonderful celebration and enjoy the festivities!